
This page tells you everything you need to know about your membership and using the club. Please click the relevant category below or contact us if you have any questions.

Membership card & swipe card for entry

New squash members will receive a swipe card, which is used to gain entry to the squash area. This card will be at the bar or with the Club Manager. Please pick it up when you come to the club. Tennis members do not need a swipe card to use the club. 

Bringing guests to the club

Members can bring guests to play tennis or squash, who pay a guest fee of £5 (adults), £3 (Under 18). Please add ‘guest’ as your playing partner when booking your court. The system will then automatically charge the guest fee. A guest can play up to 5 times per year. There is no charge for guests to use the clubhouse and bar.


IMPORTANT: when playing tennis or squash, shoes must be clean,  non-marking squash / tennis shoes. Anything else can damage the court. Under no circumstances should studs, crocs, running shoes, black soled trainers or casual shoes be worn.


Sutton Tennis & Squash Club is committed to prioritising the well-being of all children and adults at risk, promoting safeguarding in our club at all times, including all programmes and events we run. Please see our safeguarding page here which includes details of our club welfare officer. And please see all our club policies here including Safeguarding Policy, Diversity & Inclusion Policy, Club Rules and Privacy Policy.

Staying in touch

We will email you regularly about what’s happening at the club. But also, please follow our social media channels below………..

And we have a Facebook group for STSC members. Please click below to join………

Please select your membership type below for some more info about your membership.

  • Your membership entitles you to full use of the tennis courts from 7am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, Sundays from 1pm onwards.
  • Members get free access to our disability tennis sessions throughout the year.
  • Members can play with one additional person for free i.e. parent, carer, sibling.

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Using the floodlights

Floodlights cost £2.50 per 30 minutes. Simply top up your Mycourts account  with credit. This fee will be automatically taken when you book a court requiring lights – and the lights will come on automatically.

Booking courts

This page lets you know all about booking courts.

Your membership entitles you to full use of the courts from 7am morning to 10pm (except for off-peak members who are midweek pre 5pm) and , and the clubhouse whenever open, including TV, table tennis, pool table and changing rooms.

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Using the floodlights

Floodlights cost £2.50 per 30 minutes. Simply top up your Mycourts account  with credit. This fee will be automatically taken when you book a court requiring lights – and the lights will come on automatically.

Booking courts

This page lets you know all about booking courts.

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Operating the Squash Court booking and lighting system

You will be emailed details for the squash court booking system.  Please take a moment to update your contact details with contact number etc which is always helpful, especially if you enter the squash leagues.  You can then start booking courts.

If the email is not in your in box it may have gone into spam as the sender was ‘noreply@stscsport.mycourts.co.uk’
Set out below are the instructions for booking squash courts :

Squash court booking instructions

Court fees are:

  • £2.50 per 40 minute session during peak times (Monday to Friday, 5.20-10.00pm)
  • £2.00 per 40 minute session during off-peak times (Monday to Friday 8.40am to 5.20pm and all day Saturday and Sunday.

Courts are free for juniors during off-peak times but must be booked as set out below:

  1. Log onto:  http://stscsport.mycourts.co.uk
  2. If this takes you to the ‘Mycourts’ clients and testimonials page, as it sometimes does if logging in initially just scroll down to the ‘Sutton Tennis and Squash’ club address and click on that name and you will be taken to the STSC court booking site.
  3. Log onto the court booking site.  You will need your User Name and your password.  These have been sent (or emailed to you).  You will need to remember your user name as this cannot be changed, but you can change your password – see below.
  4. PIN number – when using the touch screen at the Club you will need your PIN number.  This has also been sent/e-mailed to you.  You can change this to another randomly assigned number but you cannot select your own number.
  5. You will need to top up your account with funds, which you can do under ‘buy credit’.
  6. To book a Court – select the date of the court you wish to book in the panel on left of screen.  At the top of the day shown select whether you want to book for the morning, afternoon or evening.  Select the court which you wish to book and click on that time.  Then confirm that you wish to book that court.  You will automatically receive a confirmation email which you can use to send onto your opponent.  You can even select your opponent (optional).
  7. If you wish to cancel – just go into “My Bookings and cancel and you will be refunded the cost if cancelled within 48 hours of the booking time.  You will receive an automatic court cancellation e-mail.
  8. To change a Password – go to ‘My Settings’ and enter a new password and click submit – it is done – make sure you remember the new password. You can use the same screen to change your PIN to a new randomly chosen number.


  1. Extra light time at the end of (or before) a court booking can be purchased by using the touch screen in the squash court lobby.  Increments of 10 minutes at a time can be bought (at 40p per 10 minutes) by logging in with your user name and PIN and using the credit on your account to buy as much time as required. This is subject to the court not having been booked previously.
  2. If you come along to play squash when the courts are not booked, as an alternative to booking a court you can just purchase 40 minutes of light time.  This may be more convenient rather than waiting for a specific court booking time to start.


  • Please make sure that your email address is up to date.
  • Also enter, if you wish, a phone number which you are content for other members to use when contacting you.
  • You can add a photo so other members can recognise you – useful when play a new league opponent.
  • Details of the current leagues are included under ‘Leagues’ in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
  • By clicking on Booking Sheets at top it will take you to this evening’s courts so you can see at a glance what is available.

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Using the Club

Mini Tennis members can use the tennis courts any time they are available. Due to the low cost of this membership, we don’t give you the facility to book, but you can see court availability HERE and just go on any available court.

Parents playing with children

Parents of Mini Tennis members can take up a ‘parent membership’ for only £37 per year, which entitles you to play tennis with your children only.

Click Here to join as a parent member

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Junior tennis membership entitles you to full use of the courts from 7am, and the clubhouse whenever open, including TV, table tennis, pool table and changing rooms.

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Using the floodlights

Floodlights cost £2.50 per 30 minutes. Simply top up your Mycourts account  with credit. This fee will be automatically taken when you book a court requiring lights – and the lights will come on automatically.

Booking courts

This page lets you know all about booking courts.

Using the tennis courts

Junior Tennis members can use the tennis courts any time. Contact us if you would like to be set up to book courts online. Otherwise, you can just turn up and use courts when available. You can see court availability at stscsport.mycourts.co.uk

Parents playing with children

Parents of Junior Tennis members can take up a ‘parent membership’ for only £37 per year, which entitles you to play tennis with your children only.

Click Here to join as a parent member


Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Using the tennis courts

Under-8 members can use the tennis courts any time. However, this age group is not able to book tennis courts. Simply play whenever courts are available. You can see court availability at stscsport.mycourts.co.uk

Parents playing with children

Parents of under-8 members can play with children with no need for a membership.

Use the menu above to see all the coaching and playing sessions available at the club.

Court fees & playing with your child

  • For all junior squash members, courts are free at off-peak times (Monday to Friday pre-5pm and all weekend). Courts cost £2.50 for 40 minutes at peak times.
  • With junior squash membership, parents who wish to play with their children, but not to become full squash members themselves can take up ‘Parent Membership’ for £37 per year and play squash only with their children.

Operating the Squash Court booking and lighting system

You will be emailed your passwords, PINs and other details for the squash court booking system.  Please take a moment to update your contact details with contact number etc which is always helpful, especially if you enter the squash leagues.  You can now use this to register your squash vouchers and start booking courts.

If the booking PIN, and other details are  not in your in box it may have gone into spam as the sender was ‘noreply@stscsport.mycourts.co.uk’
Set out below are the instructions for booking squash courts :

Squash court booking instructions

Court fees are:

  • £2.50 per 40 minute session during peak times (Monday to Friday, 5.20-10.00pm)
  • £2.00 per 40 minute session during off-peak times (Monday to Friday 8.40am to 5.20pm and all day Saturday and Sunday.

Courts are free for juniors during off-peak times but must be booked as set out below:

  1. Log onto:  http://stscsport.mycourts.co.uk
  2. If this takes you to the ‘Mycourts’ clients and testimonials page, as it sometimes does if logging in initially just scroll down to the ‘Sutton Tennis and Squash’ club address and click on that name and you will be taken to the STSC court booking site.
  3. Log onto the court booking site.  You will need your User Name and your password.  These have been sent (or emailed to you).  You will need to remember your user name as this cannot be changed, but you can change your password – see below.
  4. PIN number – when using the touch screen at the Club you will need your PIN number.  This has also been sent/e-mailed to you.  You can change this to another randomly assigned number but you cannot select your own number.
  5. You will need to top up your account with a £10 voucher which can be bought from the bar (either by paying cash or by credit card) or directly from your mycourts account (see image below).  Click on the ‘Top up with Voucher’ heading in panel on left of screen.  Using the voucher number and the voucher code enter these into the box provided.  Read the instructions below these boxes to ensure you recognise whether you are entering numbers or letters.
  6. To book a Court – select the date of the court you wish to book in the panel on left of screen.  At the top of the day shown select whether you want to book for the morning, afternoon or evening.  Select the court which you wish to book and click on that time.  Then confirm that you wish to book that court.  You will automatically receive a confirmation email which you can use to send onto your opponent.  You can even select your opponent (optional).
  7. If you wish to cancel – just go into “My Bookings and cancel and you will be refunded the cost if cancelled within 48 hours of the booking time.  You will receive an automatic court cancellation e-mail.
  8. To change a Password – go to ‘My Settings’ and enter a new password and click submit – it is done – make sure you remember the new password. You can use the same screen to change your PIN to a new randomly chosen number.


  1. Extra light time at the end of (or before) a court booking can be purchased by using the touch screen in the squash court lobby.  Increments of 10 minutes at a time can be bought (at 40p per 10 minutes) by logging in with your user name and PIN and using the credit on your account to buy as much time as required. This is subject to the court not having been booked previously.
  2. If you come along to play squash when the courts are not booked, as an alternative to booking a court you can just purchase 40 minutes of light time.  This may be more convenient rather than waiting for a specific court booking time to start.

Your membership entitles you to full use of the squash courts and club between 8.40am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Operating the Squash Court booking and lighting system

You will be emailed your passwords, PINs and other details for the squash court booking system.  Please take a moment to update your contact details with contact number etc which is always helpful, especially if you enter the squash leagues.  You can now use this to register your squash vouchers and start booking courts.

If the booking PIN, and other details are  not in your in box it may have gone into spam as the sender was ‘noreply@stscsport.mycourts.co.uk’
Set out below are the instructions for booking squash courts :

Squash court booking instructions

Court fees are:

  • £2.50 per 40 minute session during peak times (Monday to Friday, 5.20-10.00pm)
  • £2.00 per 40 minute session during off-peak times (Monday to Friday 8.40am to 5.20pm and all day Saturday and Sunday.

Courts are free for juniors during off-peak times but must be booked as set out below:

  1. Log onto:  http://stscsport.mycourts.co.uk
  2. If this takes you to the ‘Mycourts’ clients and testimonials page, as it sometimes does if logging in initially just scroll down to the ‘Sutton Tennis and Squash’ club address and click on that name and you will be taken to the STSC court booking site.
  3. Log onto the court booking site.  You will need your User Name and your password.  These have been sent (or emailed to you).  You will need to remember your user name as this cannot be changed, but you can change your password – see below.
  4. PIN number – when using the touch screen at the Club you will need your PIN number.  This has also been sent/e-mailed to you.  You can change this to another randomly assigned number but you cannot select your own number.
  5. You will need to top up your account with a £10 voucher which can be bought from the bar (either by paying cash or by credit card) or directly from your mycourts account (see image below).  Click on the ‘Top up with Voucher’ heading in panel on left of screen.  Using the voucher number and the voucher code enter these into the box provided.  Read the instructions below these boxes to ensure you recognise whether you are entering numbers or letters.
  6. To book a Court – select the date of the court you wish to book in the panel on left of screen.  At the top of the day shown select whether you want to book for the morning, afternoon or evening.  Select the court which you wish to book and click on that time.  Then confirm that you wish to book that court.  You will automatically receive a confirmation email which you can use to send onto your opponent.  You can even select your opponent (optional).
  7. If you wish to cancel – just go into “My Bookings and cancel and you will be refunded the cost if cancelled within 48 hours of the booking time.  You will receive an automatic court cancellation e-mail.
  8. To change a Password – go to ‘My Settings’ and enter a new password and click submit – it is done – make sure you remember the new password. You can use the same screen to change your PIN to a new randomly chosen number.


  1. Extra light time at the end of (or before) a court booking can be purchased by using the touch screen in the squash court lobby.  Increments of 10 minutes at a time can be bought (at 40p per 10 minutes) by logging in with your user name and PIN and using the credit on your account to buy as much time as required. This is subject to the court not having been booked previously.
  2. If you come along to play squash when the courts are not booked, as an alternative to booking a court you can just purchase 40 minutes of light time.  This may be more convenient rather than waiting for a specific court booking time to start.


  • Please make sure that your email address is up to date.
  • Also enter, if you wish, a phone number which you are content for other members to use when contacting you.
  • You can add a photo so other members can recognise you – useful when play a new league opponent.
  • Details of the current leagues are included under ‘Leagues’ in the blue bar at the top of the screen.
  • By clicking on Booking Sheets at top it will take you to this evening’s courts so you can see at a glance what is available.