tennis court bookings
and floodlights
Court booking system
All courts will need to be booked through the Clubspark booking system, which also includes a phone app. It’s very easy to use once set up.
- Download the Clubspark Booker app to your phone.
- You then have the option of signing in or signing up. If you’ve previously registered with Clubspark and know your details, you’ll be able to just sign in and book courts. If you haven’t registered, just sign up and you should be able to book courts.
- If you are registered with Clubspark but don’t know your login details, the App doesn’t have a ‘forgotten password’ option. So you’ll need to go to the clubspark website. It will take you to this:

You can then click the forgotten password link and get your password so you can use the app. If for any reason you can’t use the app, you can just login to the website.
Here are a couple of videos demonstrating the booking system.
Booking tennis courts for junior members
This is slightly more tricky – the app won’t work, so please use the browser method, as per the second video above. But it is the parent who needs to sign in, then change the ‘user’ to the junior player’s name. See picture.

Using the Floodlights
All 9 courts are floodlit. The lights are turned on using cards which you top up with credit. Lights cost £2.50 per 30 minutes. The machines are located in the conservatory, next to the ladies’ changing room door. Simply insert your card into the relevant numbered machine and put on the lights for your chosen amount of time.
Some things to be aware of................
- In ‘normal times’ you would top up your card at the bar, but the bar is currently closed. Please contact Head Coach, Karl Stowell on 07976 547239 or and he will advise you how to top up your card.
- The card readers on courts 1,3 & 4 are broken. The whole system is being changed at the moment. But in the interim, your floodlight card will not work on these courts. Please avoid booking these courts during floodlight times, but if you have no choice, the lights will need to be turned on with a key. Contact Karl to find out how to do this.